- Real Estate Legal Experts
"The Best Place To Get Legal Services Catering To Your Needs"

200-215 Jardin Drive
Concord, ON L4K 1X5
Tel: (905) 669-7577
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Newly Built Homes

Offer and Agreement

Builder’s Agreements

The terms and conditions of a homebuilder's agreement differ from those in a standard resale purchase agreement.  The homebuilder’s agreement usually is based on their standard form, and it can be 20 or more pages long when you include all the schedules.  We encourage all clients to carefully review the offer (agreement) before they sign it to ensure that they know what they are getting into.  After an offer is signed and all of the conditions are satisfied, the offer becomes a binding agreement that must be completed according to its terms.  We can review your agreement for you and suggest changes to the terms that can save you money and potential problems or misunderstandings later on.

The Entire Contract

The Agreement is the "entire contract".  Any verbal representations or warranties by the builder's salespeople or anyone else are excluded from your contract.  So if a builder’s salesperson makes a verbal promise, you should ask them to show you where that is in the written Agreement.  Otherwise ask them to write it in.

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